What Does It Mean To Live Creative?
The secret behind living creative is that it is actually a philosophy that you can put into place in your life and the positive impact will be exponential.
You see, we understand that life can be hard and sometimes the situations that we go through cause stress, uncertainty and anxiety. And it can get pretty overwhelming, especially when you get caught off guard. When you don’t know how to navigate all of the challenges you are facing, the Live Creative Philosophy can help.
Adopting this philosophy is really just deciding to embrace an activity that helps you understand things about yourself, the world in which you live, and your relationships to those around you. Think of creativity as a catch all term describing different kinds of thinking that helps you process information in a way that allows you to see solutions you may not have known existed before, Creativity also helps to relieve stress and prevents you from getting stuck and tangled in the mindset of all that is going wrong, When you live creative, your focus changes and you are better able to find solutions and manage your emotions in a healthier way.
“It might sound too good to be true, but simply engaging in creative
behaviors (even just coloring in those trendy adult coloring books)
improves brain function, mental health, and physical health”
WHY Is Living Creative So Important?
Because when you shift your focus away from whatever challenge you are dealing with onto something creative it’s easier to move though the difficult times. Creativity allows us to get out of our heads and back into our lives, not to mention It is known to help you physically and emotionally in so many ways. Tapping into your creative side can actually improve your overall health, in fact being creative also
Increases happiness
Boosts immunity
Reduces stress and anxiety
Boosts mood Improves brain and motor function
Lowers heartrate
Improves mental health
Releases dopamine, a natural antidepressant
How do we know this philosophy works? Tapping into your creative side can actually improve your overall health, in fact being creative also: Because we lived it. When people hear they often ask how we dealt with the tragedy and all the changes that came from it in such a positive way. In short, we have chosen to focus on what is going right.
After Geoff was critically injured in an explosive blast while serving in the US Army we had so many challenges and obstacles to overcome. Not only did he have to learn how to live as an amputee, Judy had to close her business to become a full-time caregiver and advocate. It was hard to navigate all the changes, so we knew we had to find new ways to keep our minds busy.
We turned to learning new and creative activities that challenged our minds and not only gave us a break from all the problems, but brought joy in unexpected ways. I started with watercolors and Geoff wood-working. In short order we found new creative outlets that not only helped us find balance and stress relief, but those same outlets brought joy to others.
Who knew that our coping strategies would be in demand? Who knew that people would seek out our advice on how to cope and deal with life’s most challenging moments? Who knew that together we could turn our story into something that would help others? We certainly didn’t. And that's the power of creativity.
It wasn’t easy, but living creative helped us keep our sanity and find some happy in the midst of all the chaos, uncertainty and frustration. This philosophy allowed us to stay focused on what was going right and helped us to find strength in the more difficult moments.
And it can help you too.
Click here for the full article that contains some simple ways to get creative.
~Judy Davis is on a mission to help you stress less and improve your mental wellness. She is a motivational speaker, published author and mental wellness specialist with information, products and books that are go to resources to help people reduce stress and find balance in their lives. Connect with Judy at DavisInspired.com or on Instagram @Judy.Davis55