When it’s time to heal - Feelings and Delayed Healing

The longer we avoid the feeling,
the more we delay the healing.

That quote hits.

This week I've shared some of the rawness and feelings I've literally been carrying for a few years. Funny thing, I knew I had been carrying the extra weight, what I didn't know was that by avoiding all of the feelings that actually caused me not only to gain weight but to struggle with post virus complications I was delaying what needed to be done...

I needed to heal.

My health was a frickin mess, and my body was sending me signals and feelings that I chose to ignore. Sure I wasn't eating the best or drinking enough water, but honestly other than some extra gummy bears and a biscuit at dinner my eating hadn't changed drastically.

What had changed was my stress levels and my motivation. I went from a thriving business owner who proactively dealt with life head on to a couch potato who got lost in netflix binges and news cycles and didn't care that I was content being a hermit.

They don't call stress the silent killer for nothing.

My stress changed my body inside and out. Sure you could see the "extra fluff", but what you couldn't see was that the way my body functioned was totally jacked up.

🌪I wasn't sleeping.

🌪I was storing weight around my middle and upper arms.

🌪My inflammation made my joints hurt.

🌪My cortisol levels went through the roof and I was on edge all the time.

🌪My anxiety was unmanageable and I was taking Lexapro to help.

🌪My desire was non-existent and my silly playful mojo was gone.

I was a moody, emotional, stressed out mess, and that picture I posted a few days ago is proof that feelings and not dealing with them will literally build up and consume you until you don't even recognize yourself.

So many of you have asked what it the thing that is working. And it's really simple (not easy) but simple.

I'm dealing with my feelings and no longer delaying the healing of my mental and physical health.

I've chosen to:

🤩Turn off the news completely.

🤩Surround myself with positive encouraging people who love life.

🤩Read a minimum of a chapter a day to improve my thoughts/focus and shift them from worry to inspired

🤩Weight train 3 times per week for 30 minutes.

🤩Stop eating gummies (I think this is the hardest for me :) )

🤩Focus on what's going right every day.

😎 And the key... you knew it was coming... holistically address the fact that my body had stopped functioning properly and actually repair and support my mental health while addressing the imbalance that stress had created in my hormones and microbiome.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, dismissing your stress and pretending you are ok when you aren't will backfire.

Feel the feels - it matters.

And if you want some of what I'm having...I'm happy to hook you up, I'd love to chat and find out what you are struggling with and support you as you navigate the ish in your life!

~Judy Davis is on a mission to help you stress less and improve your mental wellness. She is a motivational speaker, published author and mental wellness specialist with information, products and books that are go to resources to help people reduce stress and improve their lives. Connect with Judy at DavisInspired.com or on Instagram @Judy.Davis55


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