Are You In Alignment With What You Want In Life?

Recently, when I was living a "less than perfect" period in my life, I began to question what this whole alignment thing was all about. I wanted to understand how being in alignment could actually help me get what I wanted out of life, and more importantly how to stay there once I figured it out. In short, I wanted to quit the roller coaster, and get the information I needed to create my ideal life.

Have you ever felt the same?

More and more we are hearing how important it is to be in alignment with what we want in our lives. There are books, movies and techniques designed to help us reach our goals and create the life we desire. The gurus talk about getting aligned with our intentions.

But what does that even mean?

Maybe like me, you have a general idea, but really understanding the ins and outs and how being in alignment can help you? I know I didn't. Until I spent some time boiling the water out of a lot of complicated information, and found a simple way to understand the concept.

Being in alignment is simply a period when ALL of your thoughts, intentions, and actions are positively focused on the outcome you want.

When you are in true alignment, things move forward effortlessly. Everything seems to "click", you meet the perfect people, find the perfect resources, good things happen, and you have evidence that you are getting closer to your goals each and every day.

Sounds simple enough right? But whose thoughts are focused on what they want 100% of the time?

For many of us knowing what we want is harder than knowing what we don’t want. And when we aren't getting what we want, we often don't know why. Without exception, if things aren't "clicking" and life is giving you lemons on a regular basis, you can be sure that you are out of alignment in some way.

A simple test is to ask yourself. Do my thoughts, interactions and activities move me forward and make me feel good? If your answer isn’t a strong yes, they are holding you back, and you aren't in alignment.

Think about it like this, each and every day we make choices as to what we think about, who we hang around with and what we do. But did you know that even these little choices can really change the direction that your life is headed. So the next time you are "off", and in need of an adjustment, I suggest that you do the following:

  • Focus your energy in a positive way

  • Taka e moment and concentrate on what it is that you want to create in your life

  • Ask yourself if your feelings support your dreams

  • Evaluate your thoughts and actions; determine what is working, and what isn't

  • Shift your focus from what isn't working to what you want to happen

  • Choose to take the necessary actions to get back on track and moving forward again

We become what we think about, and mirror the actions of those around us. To be in alignment, we have to choose actions that feel right, and be committed to executing them consistently.

So the next time you are frustrated with life, and not enjoying what is happening, look around and ask yourself if what you are doing is in alignment with who you are and what you want out of life, or if it is taking you to a place you don't want to be.

Judy Davis a.k.a "The Mental Wellness Mentor" is a motivational speaker, published author and entrepreneur who's passion is to help you find direction and transform your life. Her laid back, personal style incorporates humor and real life experience into everything that she does, while creating an atmosphere of trust and sincerity that people embrace. To learn more about how Judy can help you visit


Getting Back On Track


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