You can calm the Chaos
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As a mental wellness mentor and caregiver to a wounded warrior I get chaos and stress.
When you are caring for someone you are always on, putting out fires and anticipating when the next challenge will present itself. It’s as if you are standing on pins and needles just trying to get through the day.
This constant state of fight or flight was the fuel for my anxiety and stress.
I couldn’t sleep, my shoulders were always so tight, I never felt like I could relax. Stress will do that to you.
At one point my therapist and I decided it was time to try Lexapro, in an effort to give me some relief. The problem was that the side effects and the knowledge that I wasn’t dealing with the root cause of why I felt so out of control trumped any benefit.
I was tired of putting a band aid on my anxiety and chose to find more holistic and lifestyle changes to calm in the chaos of my life. These 2 simple things changed everything!
Start every day with a personal routine. When we are in crisis getting out of bed can be a challenge, and getting dressed can be a chore (thank god for yoga pants right) and before you know it half the day is gone and you have done nothing for yourself. When I began getting up, getting dressed and spending 15 minutes journaling or reading something positive it changed the tone of my day.
You’ve heard me say how much balancing my hormones and gut microbiome with holistic supplementation not only helped me get off my anxiety meds, but stopped my anxiety, helped me sleep better, reduced my stress and motivated me to take care of myself better – Not to mention improved my focus and brainfog. Life changing is an understatement and I finally feel like me again. If you would like to try the holistic protocol, you can get it here.
We hear all the time you have to take care of yourself so you can take care of someone else, and while we get that, we also dismiss it. Learning how to stop the fight or flight reaction is so important and I’m glad you are here so I can support you along the way!