When Diets Don’t Work - What If It’s Not Your Fault.

Diet; The word is a curse and a way of simply talking about how and what to eat in a day. There has been so many different fads when it comes to dieting. Think about it, the cabbage soup diet, the grapefruit diet and everything in between!

Looking back, I think I have tried them all with varying amounts of success. But lately I have been trying to understand exactly why some people are weight loss resistant, other’s lose and gain on a regular basis (guilty) and other’s seem to effortlessly stay consistent. There must be a reason right.

Lately, I have been researching weight loss and the gut microbiome.

And I finally get it now!

In fact, I just finished doing some research that blew my mind, answering all the why am I doing all the right things, but the scale isn’t budging. And when a scientist said what if it’s not your fault that all those other weight loss products and programs haven’t worked or kept the weight off, my heart skipped a beat.

He went on to explain that people who struggle with weight loss resistance really have a “hormone signaling” problem, not a weight problem!

I was blown away and inspired to learn more.

Did you know your Microbiome regulates…

  • Mood

  • Metabolism

  • Appetite

  • Inflammation

  • Immune Function

  • Gut Integrity (a.k.a. leaky gut)

Think of your gut microbiome as your “internal pharmacy” – producing what you need, in the right amounts, when you need it – but only IF you activate it properly!

What if there was a way to activate our bodies with the right nutrients so we can get off this struggle bus for good!

I learned about the world’s first probiotic way to weight loss that works because it actually targets the gut-brain axis with the ammo we need to burn rather than store fat.

  • A probiotic to reduce inflammation (de-bloat)

  • A prebiotic to suppress appetite (reduce cravings)

  • A phytobiotic to reduce stress (better sleep)

  • A postbiotic to reduce belly fat (lose inches)

Want to learn more? Pop in your email or if you prefer to text I’ll pop you some info!


Why hormone balance is key to your health


Let’s Talk High Functioning Anxiety.